
Showing posts from May, 2017

Process of compilation

1.2 Process of Compilation    Let see how actually code flow in the system before execution. At first, the code (high-level language) is given to preprocessor then the preprocessor converts that to pure High-level language (when we write a c program the starting lines contain Preprocessor directives, the preprocessor removes the preprocessor directives statements by including the file. This called as file inclusion.)    Then the compiler will take the purely high-level language and converts it into assembly language. Let see what happens in compiler and how it works In previous topic (1.1) we discuss what is programming and we touched the topic compiler.  From the previous topic, we have learned that either a computer code is compiled or interpreted nowadays. The main aim of a compiler is to convert or translate code from one language to another language.  Mainly high-level language (Human Readable) to low-level language (Machine Lang...

C Programming series Intro

1.1 Introduction to Programming  C Programming is at the root of every machine, as it is used in most of the OS kernels, Embedded Machines etc.  C programming is highly favored by beginners who are learning to code. First let’s understand what programming is and how to do it. Programming by definition means to give specific instructions to the computer for performing a task. This task may be simple as printing something onto the screen or complex calculations.  Electronic devices work only with binary system i.e. 0 or 1 also called bits. So each pixel you see onscreen to each input you enter by keyboard or mouse are in the form of series of bits. As an electronic machine works only by this system you can only use binary number system to give instructions i.e. to program any machine. In fact, the early machines were given instructions to perform the tasks in the same binary language. But the problem with programming with binary code was that it was so difficult...